First price Unlimited Design Contest 2010: Solar Scarf!
Future vision on the production of solar energy with the items you wear. Film technologies for flexible solar cells in the avant-garde looking solar cell. Via these shapes more solar radiation can be captured.
The ECN back-contacted cell proved it is better performing and easier to assemble compared to conventional cells. But it is also better looking. The design of the front-side metallization pattern is much more uniform and visually appealing than the conventional solar cells.
Context, Moon Life Academie, Human & Kind collection: In 50 years the Moon Life Academy and ESA expect that bigger groups could live together on the moon. To make the moon and society ready for this big step there needs to happen a lot. Like how to link humanity and kindness to protection against an absurd and technical environment?
The European Space Agency (ESA) and the Moon Academy collaborated, to discover new concepts for living on the moon. Therefor they asked several designers and artists to create concepts and visions about how we, as society, could and would become ‘moon habitants’. Alicia Framis of the Moon Life Academy asked Marina to join the Moon Life team to explore design concepts in the field of fashion. Solar Scarf is just one of the items. Find here the total Moon Life Human & Kind collection >>
Thanks to:
confection:, Melissa Bonvie
lace factory: Museum de Kant Fabriek
electronics: Contrechoc
knitting:, Jesse Asjes
laser/plot: Protospace
stikstof KI Dalfsen
technical: Matthijs Vertooren
photos: Maarten van der Meer
hair & visa: Anna Edvardsen
models: Melinda, Kyra, Adam, 77 models
handknitting: Mientje Toeters – Kleinjan
finishing: Janny Loozeman
sponsored by: The Dutch Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture.